Wednesday, October 16, 2013

YUTorah on parashat Vayera

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Download the YUTorah Parsha Reader for Vayeira 5774 

Audio Shiurim on Vayeira
Rabbi Elchanan Adler: Koach ha-Hergel
Rabbi Hanan Balk: Every Person Has His Akeida
Rabbi Eli Belizon: Carpools in Halacha
Rabbi Etan Moshe Berman: Bitachon: Balancing Physical Behaviors with Spiritual Mechanics
Mrs. Malke Bina: From the Sending of the Bird to the Binding of the Son
Rabbi Asher Brander: The Power of the Many
Rabbi Chaim Brovender: Tzedek and Akeidat Yitzhak
Rabbi Avishai David: Practice What You Preach!
Rabbi Dovid Ebner: A Jew is never lost
Rabbi Ally Ehrman: Mesirus Nefesh Vi'kabbolos Ol Malchus Shomayim
Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein: Holy Instincts and Ethical Thoughts
Rabbi Joel Finkelstein: Be Good to G-d
Rabbi David Fohrman: Was Abraham A Bad Father? (Video)
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg: Isolation vs. Integration
Rabbi Yehuda Goldschmidt: The Stormy Wind and What Hashem Asks of Us
Rabbi Shalom Hammer: Teaching Through Example
Rabbi Aryeh Hendler: Historical Significance
Rabbi Jesse Horn: Avraham: Man of God, Man of Man
Rabbi Shimon Isaacson: Avraham's Zerizut and the Lessons of Starbucks
Rabbi Ari Kahn: The Elevation of Yitzchak
Rabbi Aharon Kahn: Hachnosos Orchim, Kedushas Habayis and Avraham Avinu's Tefilah
Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky: Harnessing your emotions to serve Hashem
Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg: Feeling for Others
Rabbi Binyamin Kwalwasser: The Importance of Being Nice
Rabbi David Lebor: Avraham vs. Lot and the Essence of Eretz Yisrael
Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz: The Godsend and the Joker
Rabbi Aryeh Leibowitz: D'veykus for the Common Man
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag: Bechira in Sefer Breishit - An Event or a Process
Rabbi Eliezer Lerner: The True Benefit of Chesed
Rabbi Ben Leybovich: Salt-free
Rabbi Meir Lipschitz: The Nature of a "Vision"
Rabbi Judah Mischel: People are People
Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger: Nisyonos & Experiencing Ruchnius
Dr. Rebecca Press Schwartz: What Does It Mean to Be A Matriarch?
Rabbi Hershel Reichman: Understanding Judgement
Dr. Avigail Rock: Biblical Allusions to the Akeida Story
Rabbi Michael Rosensweig: The Impact of the Akeidah on Jewish Thought
Rabbi Yonason Sacks: Dechiyas Issurim and Ratzon Hatorah
Mrs Ilana Saks: Avimelekh
Shay Schachter: Reciting a אל מלא for Father Or Great Rebbe
Rabbi Hershel Schachter: Avraham was Mechayev Sedom
Rabbi Avi Schneider: Non-Hollywood Ending
Rabbi Baruch Simon: Being Tamim in One's Daily Actions Like Avraham
Mrs. Shira Smiles: Trail Travails
Rabbi Aaron Soloveichik: Lessons of Chesed from the Avos
Rabbi Reuven Spolter: Why Waste Good Meat on Angels Who Don't Eat?
Mrs. Shani Taragin: Akedat Yitzchak: A Methodological Workshop
Rabbi Moshe Taragin: Concealing Jewish Identity
Rabbi Michael Taubes: Magic Witchcraft adn Sorcery Is There Anything To It
Ms. Shuli Taubes: The Angel Who Saved Yitzchack
Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner: The Forgiveness of Yitzchak
Rabbi Jake Vidomlanski: The Impact Of The Akeidah On Us
Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg If I Only Knew Yesterday What I Know Today
Rabbi Mordechai Willig: Tznius
Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey Woolf: The Cloud Hovering Over the Mountain
Rabbi Andi Yudin: The Stormy Wind; All You Could do is Try
Rabbi Ari Zahtz: What Was So Bad About Sedom
Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler: Did Angels Really Visit Avraham?
Articles on VayeiraRebecca Benhaghnazar: A Wrinkle in Parenthood
Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn: Be Strict Where it Counts
Mrs. Daphna Fishman Secunda: The Personal and Collective Journey to Har haMoria
Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg: Mesirus nefesh for the mesorah
Rabbi Ozer Glickman: A Case of Mistaken Identity
Rabbi Meir Goldwicht: The Mizbeach between Beit El and Ay
Rabbi Avraham Gordimer: Avrohom's Relationship with S'dom
Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb: Spiritual DNA
Rabbi Maury Grebenau: Choices that Define Us
Rabbi Mordechai Greenberg: הפרדה על מנת הכללה
Sima Grossman: Grey Hair: A Stress, A Disease, and A Bracha
Rabbi David Horwitz: The ‘Aqedah
Rabbi Chaim Jachter: Akeidat Yitzchak
Rabbi Elly Krimsky: The Give And Take Of True Loving-Kindness
Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl: Sodom, Lot, And Lot’s Descendants
Rabbi Yoel Rackovsky: Running After Mitzvot
Rabbi Moshe Stav: בריתו של אברהם
Rabbi Michoel Zylberman: Dust and Ashes
Parsha Sheets on Vayeira
Yeshiva University High School for Boys: Shema Koleinu
Student Organization of Yeshiva (YU): Einayim L'Torah
DRS High School: D'Varim HaYotzim Min HaLev
YU-Torah miTzion Toronto Beit Midrash: Toronto Torah

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